

Documentation is one of the key responsibilities for Business Analyst.When aspiring analyst learn about the documentations. Some of the key documentation for a Business Analyst is Business Requirement Documentation(BRD), Software requirement Specification( SRS),Functional requirement specification(FRS). According to the BABOK Business Requirement Document is a high level document which covers all the requirements from clients.

Business Requirement Document: BRD is one of the first document which cover all the high level entire requirement from the stakeholder. The focus of the BRD to demonstrate the ultimate solution to the business requirement and what steps to be implemented inorder to achieve those needs.This document also reffered as a Business Requirement Specification.

Contents of business requirement document:

1.Purpose of the project

2.Stakeholders details

3.Uses of the project

4.Uses and humanity of the project

5.Business change to be implemented

6.Performance requirements

7.Risks analysis

8.Assumptions and constraints

9.Terms and conditions

Software requirement specification: Software requirement document is one of the important document for the development team.It is describes the overall functionality of the application.The specifiaction may include a set of use cases that describe interaction the user with the software.SRS document will contain all the functional and non functional requirements along with the use cases that software must meet. This document also known as system requirement specification(SRS) and product requirement document (PRD).

Functional requirement specification: FRS is a granular and low level of document that elabroates all the details around the functional requirements on the project.It is describes How exactly how the system is expected to function to satisfy all the requirements listed in the BRD and SRS. FRS is shared with clients for a final review,and once approved,this document becomes a standard document that defines the way of software is to function.

Contents of functional requirement specification document:

1.Functional behaviour of the system

2.Scope of the system

3.Specific input


5.Defined output of the system

