Timeboxing in Agile
Timeboxing is allotting a fixed, maximum unit of a time for an activity. That unit of time is called Timebox. Timeboxing is a simple and popular time management technique that can help you take control over our schedule. A timebox in agile determines the team should minimize the risk by implementing careful estimation techniques and project planning to get successful outcome.
The main benefit of timeboxing:
You can boost your productivity and focus greatly if you make sure that nobody interrupts you or distracts you while you’re working on your task in the boxed time for it.
Timeboxing improves predictability. Although we can’t predict with great certainly exactly the work, we will complete the year from now, it is completely reasonable to expect that we can predict the work we can complete in the next short sprint.
Timeboxing help in prioritizing the important task. The team will complete the most important task first. If the team knows that there is fixed time period, it will avoid wasting time on unnecessary work. This will result in completing more important task that will make a major positive impact on the project outcome.